What’s on丨數(shù)字文明遇見尼山 多元觀點輸出互鑒 信息
Focusing on artificial intelligence and digital civilization, the World Internet Conference is going to be held in Nishan for the first time, which is an important opportunity for Shandong to create a new advantage of high-quality development. To this end, Shandong will strive to create the grand event where digital intelligence collides, diverse civilizations integrate, the “two creativity“ of culture develops, and win-win cooperation achieves. Two delegates were invited to talk about their ideas about the forum.
Wang Yiwei: Every Chinese was already 5,000 years old plus one when they were born.
Nowadays, Confucian civilization is put in dialogue with artificial intelligence, precisely for the Renaissance of mankind. I often jokingly tell my students that every Chinese was already 5,000 years old plus one when they were born and we must have such a sense of holiness and responsibility. We have creatively transformed and innovatively developed the ever-growing civilization. Today, tradition is no longer an obstacle, but a nourishment for modernization. In other words, the ideas of Confucius can provide great nourishment and wisdom for the modernization of China and the creation of a new form of human civilization. It is truly remarkable. The Digital Civilization Nishan Dialogue today has brought Confucian culture and traditional Chinese culture represented by Confucius to life, adding the wings of digitalization. It provides Chinese solutions and Chinese wisdom not only to solve the problems facing China"s modernization but also to solve various problems facing mankind.
Bai Bai:Your teacher might be a robot in the future.
The positions requiring heavy manual labor or repetitive tasks are more vulnerable to the impact of AI. For example, in the old education industry, the reason why teachers doing repetitive tasks are still not substituted, is that teachers need to interact with students in addition to teaching knowledge. Now AI can understand users" needs, and give them more accurate answers. Thus, in the field of training, repetitive labor must be penetrated by AI. Through the application of 5G, AI terminals and other technologies, we are able to teach anytime, anywhere. The “robot teacher“ can capture customers’needs through data, so that knowledge can be assigned to users more conveniently and accurately, and finally enhance the iteration and development of courses.
Artificial intelligence enables thousands of industries, and science and technology boost productivity dramatically. It’s believed that with more frequent international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation in the future, artificial intelligence will better promote human civilization. A world of mutual learning and inclusiveness may not be far away.
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